

Maine child makes unexpected comeback against cancer using cannabis

WCSH Fri, 28 Jul 2017

WCSH shares Integr8 Health’s patients story and interviews Dr. Dustin Sulak.

Medical Cannabis Supporters Call for Proper Labeling and Testing

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FALMOUTH (WGME) — Maine’s medical marijuana patients and providers are looking to FALMOUTH (WGME) — Maine’s medical marijuana patients and providers are looking to change some rules regarding the labeling and testing of cannabis.change some rules regarding the labeling and testing of cannabis.

The Cannabis Question

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By Ken Olsen – July 1, 2015

Some veterans say medical marijuana could reduce painkiller addictions and curb the suicide rate. Is it a crime or a cure?  A war veteran and patient of Dr. Sulak discusses how cannabis saved his life.  Read more


Dabbing: The New, Explosive Way to Smoke Marijuana

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Written by David Heitz | Published on March 13, 2015

Dr. Dustin Sulak is a licensed osteopathic physician in Maine who legally dispenses marijuana. He is a diplomat of the American Academy of Cannabinoid Medicine.

In an interview with Healthline, he described the dabbing culture as becoming more popular “amongst illicit cannabis users in all walks of life.”

“A single inhalation of concentrate delivers the THC and other cannabinoids equivalent to three to 10 inhalations of herbal cannabis, depending on the potency,” he said. “This increased dosage delivered with rapid onset produces a stronger euphoric feeling than, for example, taking the time to smoke an entire joint.”

“The higher dose is also more likely to cause users to develop tolerance, quickly requiring a larger dose to get the same effects,” he said. “For many dab users, smoking herbal cannabis will no longer produce the desired effect.”

“In my practice, I have occasionally seen dabbing provide better relief to patients,” Sulak said. “For example, migraine patients often find that taking a large dose of rapid onset cannabis at the earliest signs of a headache will enable them to prevent the whole episode.”

Medical marijuana coming out of the shadows

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Portland Press Herald video

Medical marijuana can be used to treat a wide range of ailments argues Dr. Dustin Sulak, whose medical marijuana practice cares for 15,000 Mainers.

The Endocannabinoid System Helps Maintain Homeostasis

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by Justin Kander


February 28, 2015

As Dr. Sulak discussed in an endocannabinoid introductory article, the primary function of endocannabinoid activity is to maintain a stable internal environment despite changes in the external environment. This stability is known as homeostasis, which endocannabinoids promote at the most basic levels. These endocannabinoids regulate homeostasis through a wide variety of mechanisms, including facilitation of intercellular communication between different cell types.

 How legal weed could change the future of sex

By Taryn Hillin

Sulak, the osteopathic physician in Maine, said he’s heard of cannabis restoring sexual capacity in his clinics’ clients for a variety of reasons, including pain reduction, forgetting trauma, stress relief, bringing awareness into the present, and even enabling erection.

“Unlike men’s Viagra, cannabis doesn’t have a single effect on physiology,” he said. “It has broad effects on body and mind, and can be used to facilitate healing of the root of sexual dysfunction, as well as making the experience of sex a little—or maybe a lot—better.”

Alternative Treatment: Cannabis

By Beth Puliti

Advance Healthcare Network, May 21, 2014

Jay Reighley, a nurse practitioner at Integr8 Health in Falmouth, Maine, strongly encourages patients with Lyme disease who reside in a medical cannabis state to explore the symptom-management and potential disease-modifying effects the herb may offer. She discusses cannabis and its effect on Lyme disease in the following interview.  Read more 

Falmouth practice thrives on medical marijuana

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by Colin Ellis

Falmouth Forecaster

Tuesday, August 19, 2014 at 10:20 am

FALMOUTH — Bob wakes up every day in excruciating pain. He can only get out of his house in Gray a few days a week. And one of the reasons he gets out of the house is to see his doctor in Falmouth.

But it’s not an ordinary medical practice.  Integr8 Health, at 170 U.S. Route 1, uses medical marijuana and other non-traditional remedies to treat patients. Headed by Dr. Dustin Sulak, Integr8 has a staff of 10 doctors and nurse practitioners doing integrative medicine and medical cannabis consultations.  Read more

 More Mainers turning Reiki for relief.

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WMTW News Feature


Bill in US Congress Would Legalize ‘Charlotte’s Web’ Medical Marijuana

By Samuel Oakford

Vice News

July 30, 2014 | 11:55 am

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“I don’t think legislators realize CBD is just one of the non-psychoactive cannabinoids that yields benefits for patients,” Dustin Sulak, a Maine osteopathic physician who treats some patients with cannabinoids and whole plant marijuana, told VICE News.

Sulak sees more than 30 pediatric seizure patients, almost all of whom have failed to respond to conventional medicines.  Read more

Veterans face ultimatum: Pills or pot

Jolie Lee, USA TODAY Network 12:08 p.m. EDT May 23, 2014

Dr. Dustin Sulak, whose patients include Begin and other veterans, said marijuana has been life-changing for his patients. In his opinion, marijuana is a safer option: People die from opiate overdoses, but they don’t overdose from marijuana, he said.

“It’s an herb,” Sulak said. “It should be next to St. Johns wort and kava in the health food store.”

Begin has become a champion for medical marijuana access for veterans. But he says it’s tough to find vets who will speak publicly about marijuana. There’s still a stigma around marijuana use.  Read more 

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Medical pot for kids

WCSH news feature  – May 21, 2014

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For 7-year-old girl, marijuana could be a life-saving drug

NECN- May 16, 2014

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RECAP: The Eighth National Clinical Conference On Cannabis Therapeutics

The Eighth National Clinical Conference on Cannabis Therapeutics recently concluded after an educational three days of presentations. From May 8-10, hundreds of doctors learned about how the endocannabinoid system is somehow connected to nearly every major disease and how phytocannabinoids can play a role in treatment.

Dr. Dustin Sulak was a crowd favorite, with his inspiring energy and intelligent grasp of the endocannabinoid system. He presented on the ECS’ role in postsynaptic feedback and how endocannabinoids are synthesized on demand to complete the circuit of cellular communication.

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Medical marijuana patients meet at Integr8 Health to push the Obama Administration to reschedule Marijuana.

Portland Daily Sun front page, April 16, 2014


Dr. Dustin Sulak, osteopathic physician and medical marijuana practice founder at Integr8 Health in Falmouth, said, “Research into therapeutic applications of cannabis and its constituents has been impeded, and countless patients are suffering who might benefit from this effective and versatile medicine.”

His message to the Obama administration and the message of his website, and its online petition: “remove cannabis from the Controlled Substance Act.”

Dr. Dustin Sulak D.O. Testifies To Expand Maine’s Medical Marijuana Qualifying Conditions

MPBN – 5/14/13

A legislative panel is reviewing a half-dozen bills aimed at tweaking Maine’s medicinal marijuana law, which now governs how the drug is prescribed and distributed

Dr. Dustin Sulak D.O. speaks at Portland Maine Medical Marijuana Educational Event

Portland Press – Front Page 9/22/11 A Portland forum brings together patients, caregivers, and dispensary representatives to share information about pot, health care and the law.

Video of Dr. Sulak taking about the medical benefits of Marijuana.

Dr. Dustin Sulak D.O. Featured in The Portland Press Herald

Physicians reluctant to recommend the treatment are sending patients to Dr. Dustin Sulak.

Patients seeking medical marijuana certification must be diagnosed with a qualifying condition under Maine law, such as cancer, glaucoma or chronic pain. With Sulak, they also must undergo a 45-minute evaluation of their overall health and expect him to recommend treatments beyond cannabis, such as vitamin D, turmeric or milk thistle supplements.

Dr Sulak in the Bangor Daily News.

Dr. Dustin Sulak, who runs a practice called Integr8 Health and who is known as one of the state’s leading medical marijuana proponents, said he learned earlier this week that the Department of Health and Human Services has denied his request. Sulak is part of a panel of doctors responsible for making recommendations to DHHS Commissioner Mary Mayhew on the 1999 medical marijuana law and the subsequent 2009 Maine Medical Marijuana Act.  Read more 

WCSH6 Portland- Dr. Sulak and Integr8 featured in news story 

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