As pioneers in the medical cannabis field, we have experience treating a wide variety of conditions with cannabis, with impressive efficacy and minimal adverse effects. In Maine, a medical provider may recommend medical cannabis for any medical condition, that in the provider’s professional opinion, may be alleviated by the therapeutic or palliative medical use of cannabis.
- Alzheimer’s and other forms of dementia
- Anxiety
- Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
- Autism spectrum disorders
- Cachexia, wasting syndrome
- Cancer
- Chronic Pain
- Depression
- Dyskinetic disorders including Parkinson’s
- Glaucoma
- Hepatitis
- Inflammatory bowel disease
- Insomnia and other sleep disorders
- Irritable bowel syndrome
- Lyme and other tick-borne diseases
- Migraine and other forms of headache
- Multiple Sclerosis
- Muscle spasms
- Seizures
- Severe nausea
- Skin conditions
We care for patients of all ages, from babies to elders.
Our compassionate providers are experts in medical cannabis and are ready to help you get your life back, legally. We emphasize in-depth visits that allow us to understand your healing journey, and provide personalized treatments that get great results. If you are ready for a new way to care for your health, then we are here to help.
Once you are qualified by one of our doctors or nurse practitioners, we provide you with a certification card, allowing you to participate in Maine’s medical cannabis program. To be protected under Maine’s law, you are required to have a certification and a Maine-issued picture identification card. The certification will allow you to purchase medical cannabis from dispensaries or caregivers, grow up to a total of 6 mature marijuana plants, 12 immature marijuana plants and unlimited seedlings, and possess up to 8 pounds of harvested cannabis.
Why Join Our Practice?
We stand behind you and your certification. If you have a qualifying condition and medical cannabis treatment is indicated, we follow state law and regulations to certify you for legal use of medical cannabis. Our priority is to help you get better while saving you time and money. Our programs come from our experience successfully treating thousands of patients.
We educate you on how to correctly use medical cannabis to get the best results for your condition (dosage, frequency, strains, delivery system, medical interactions and more). Our medical cannabis education includes patient guides, videos, and personal consultations with experts.
We offer discounts on supplements and vaporizers, and access to Dr. Dustin Sulak’s online education site –

We take time to listen to you and provide you with effective integrative treatments to combine with cannabis use. Based on your condition and budget, this medical care may include osteopathic manipulation, other herbs that compliment cannabis, nutritional supplements, mind-body activities, lifestyle suggestions, and more.
We will collaborate with your other providers, make referrals, write letters and provide testimony in legal situations. We do whatever it takes to help you, because we care.
Have questions? Want to setup an appointment for a Medical Cannabis Evaluation? Click Here.